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1930s in Russian Art. From "Bytie" to the "Union of Artists"

Art Group "Bytie" (Existence) was a society of artists formed by graduates of VkuTeMas in Moscow in 1921. Its core was formed by students of Petr Konchalovsky. "Bytie" organized seven exhibitions between 1922 and 1929.

26.09.2014 — 02.11.2014

Preview — 25.09.2014

The artwork and graphics of the 1930s were perceived as a transformation from the avante-garde to Social Realism and as a form of experimentation with creating art under the guidelines set by the government. However, over time researchers and collectors of art discovered an entirely unique language present in the works of this time period. The 1930s art and graphics of artists Sergey Bogdanov, Nikolay Viting, Ivan Dmitriev, Elena Orlovskaya, Olga Deineko and Vladimir Andreev presented at the exhibit reflect how individualized, often painful, however successful the process of creating a new language for Russian art truly was.

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